Friday, July 29, 2011

July 29, 2011 Rain Gauge Measurement

Date: July 29, 2011
Weather Forecast: Mixed cloud and sun with scattered thunderstorms.
Sunrise: 5:38 am
Sunset: 6:26 pm
Rain Gauge: .00 mm
Temperature: 26°-28°C
Humidity: 80%
Source Yahoo

Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 28, 2011 Rain Gauge Measurement

Date: July 28, 2011
Weather Forecast:Variable clouds with scattered thunderstorms.
Sunrise:5:36 am
Sunset: 6:26 pm
Rain Gauge: .00mm

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26, 2011 Rain Gauge Measurement

Date: July 26, 2011
Weather: Scattered showers and thunderstorm 
Sunrise: 5:36 am
Sunset: 6:26 pm
Rain Gauge: .00 mm
Temperature: 26°-29° C
Source: Yahoo

Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25, 2011 Rain Gauge Measurement

Date: July 25, 2011
Weather:  Scattered thunderstorms. Winds light and variable.
Sunrise: 5:36 am
Sunset: 6:26 pm
Rain Gauge: .00 mm
Temperature:26 °- 29°C
Humidity: 83 %
Source: Yahoo

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Group That Never Gets Low

              School was fun, full of hard lessons that must be learned, and even if that is the case, this week was also a good time to do some actions and solutions to help in protecting and conserving our mother nature by means of our simple activities with our huge presence of mind cooperating and participating to work into it. Our role as a steward of nature will never stop. This group will now proceed to the actions we've done this whole week so get ready!
We have turned off the lights in order to conserve electricity and at the same time protecting nature.

We threw our wastes in the trash can properly and make sure that it will be dispose properly.

We turned off our computers and unplugged it after using.

We, the group one had done our assignments in the afternoon instead in the evening in order to conserve usage of electricity. 
We also watered the plants because plants are important in our daily living and in nature.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Place of Silence

             Library , a single word - composed of seven letters, but if we deepen and dig up more about what it is, we will find out that it is not only a place of silence but a place full of treasures, maybe treasures that our bare eyes could not see but treasures that can fill our empty minds.
              July 12,2011 we had our first tour in our school library. We learned a lot as I would say so. Maybe our library in school is unlike the others that have hundreds of book, the library of SMNHS only uses DDS, Dewey Decimal System, because of the few numbers of books but the value of the things we learned inside that library is vast. Inside that place we saw simple things we saw other things in our library like the trophies they achieve, and the annual of the past 4th year students. The great thing about the library is the effort of our librarian to make that library as awesome as the other libraries in universities.
              Our tour lasted for an hour. And YES! we learned a lot of things inside of our library. Ü