Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Place of Silence

             Library , a single word - composed of seven letters, but if we deepen and dig up more about what it is, we will find out that it is not only a place of silence but a place full of treasures, maybe treasures that our bare eyes could not see but treasures that can fill our empty minds.
              July 12,2011 we had our first tour in our school library. We learned a lot as I would say so. Maybe our library in school is unlike the others that have hundreds of book, the library of SMNHS only uses DDS, Dewey Decimal System, because of the few numbers of books but the value of the things we learned inside that library is vast. Inside that place we saw simple things we saw other things in our library like the trophies they achieve, and the annual of the past 4th year students. The great thing about the library is the effort of our librarian to make that library as awesome as the other libraries in universities.
              Our tour lasted for an hour. And YES! we learned a lot of things inside of our library. Ü

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