Thursday, January 26, 2012


                     Everyone today has heard of how important it is to recycle and most cities offer a recycling program, but what exactly is recycling and how beneficial is it really to us and the environment?
                     Recycling is the process of turning one products useful parts into a new product; this is done to conserve on the consumption of resources, energy and space used in landfills.

What are the recycling facts and benefits?

By recycling1 plastic bottle not only saves anywhere from 100 to 1000 years in the landfill but also saves the environment from the emissions in producing new bottles as well as the oil used to produce that bottle. 
For every1 ton of plastic that is recycled we save the equivalent of 2 people’s energy use for 1 year, the amount of water used by 1 person in 2 month’s time and almost 2000 pounds of oil.
Today the most common products in cities recycling programs are paper products, cardboard, plastic, glass and aluminum.
Approximately 60% of our rubbish thrown away today could be recycled.
A survey was done and 9 out of 10 people surveyed said they would recycle more if it was easier. Odd as it seems there are many people who do not realize that plastic bottles our water comes in is made out of oil.  This is the same oil that is used to make gasoline. It's the same oil that is in such high demand and is not an unlimited resource.
what can you recycle?
Do you realize the difference you are making when you recycle?   
More than you will ever know......Recycle Today   


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