Thursday, January 26, 2012


                     Everyone today has heard of how important it is to recycle and most cities offer a recycling program, but what exactly is recycling and how beneficial is it really to us and the environment?
                     Recycling is the process of turning one products useful parts into a new product; this is done to conserve on the consumption of resources, energy and space used in landfills.

What are the recycling facts and benefits?

By recycling1 plastic bottle not only saves anywhere from 100 to 1000 years in the landfill but also saves the environment from the emissions in producing new bottles as well as the oil used to produce that bottle. 
For every1 ton of plastic that is recycled we save the equivalent of 2 people’s energy use for 1 year, the amount of water used by 1 person in 2 month’s time and almost 2000 pounds of oil.
Today the most common products in cities recycling programs are paper products, cardboard, plastic, glass and aluminum.
Approximately 60% of our rubbish thrown away today could be recycled.
A survey was done and 9 out of 10 people surveyed said they would recycle more if it was easier. Odd as it seems there are many people who do not realize that plastic bottles our water comes in is made out of oil.  This is the same oil that is used to make gasoline. It's the same oil that is in such high demand and is not an unlimited resource.
what can you recycle?
Do you realize the difference you are making when you recycle?   
More than you will ever know......Recycle Today   


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Typhoon Sendong

                      December 19,2011,a tragic day caused hundreds of families hopeless.Left rotten bodies and scattered in a damp site and made homes as trashes of the past.Poor or elite,they don't save anything other than the clothes they're wearing.
                      Logs from the mountain is a clear evidence that illegal logging triggered the problem.The woods carried by the flash flood made the flow of water more rapid so it created greater force.Since there were no tree that have roots that can hold the soil,soil erosion covered properties.
                      If you just can see Cagayan De Oro after the typhoon ground it,you can never imagined that cars are placed on the top of another and even upside-down.
                      This tragic event is a caution.A caution that tells us or show us how harmful are the effects of our greediness.Mother earth is already striking back,and who knows?Tomorrow can be the day of judgment.The day of rapture.The day may come we will all be shock on how fearful are the cause of our activities that lead to the destruction of our own home.

Friday, October 14, 2011


              The sun did not shine in the day of October 13, 2011, the whole day was cool, raining and the breeze of air is gently whispering. But this day, was not just like every other day because an event was going to happen, and this is SMNHS GOT TALENT. The most awaited part of the day that students are awaiting for, not just because of FREE TIME but to cheer for II-A's presentation.
           It was a cool and awesome day to show the talents of SMNHSians on the competition of the uniqueness, the goodness, and the special abilities of we, students. It started at 8:00 am in the Sophomore Province, with the participation of the Freshman and Sophomore students with the energetic presence of the SSG members that done all their efforts to make the presentation with an extraordinary twists. The energetic crowd and the amazing judges also made their contribution to the said event.
          In this event, we the Group 1 and other students  never stop in helping Mother Nature. The crowd's trash that is there in the event but not showing their talents become famous of their participation. We tried not to increase the trash and throw it on their proper trash can. SSG officers also do their part in maintaining Sophomore Province cleanliness. 
            To summarize this lengthy post, THE GROUP 1 DONE THE BEST THING WE CAN DO! We've done our best!
            Go Sophomore! SMNHS GOT TALENT ROCKS!

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Sudden Burning Spirit

                Today is not just like every other day, it is a day to be happy because this is a good time to have a sit and take a break and write to a simple notebook with full of extraordinary experiences of a STEWARD OF NATURE.

                The breeze of air was something that cold, it hugs and touches my individual body solemnly, solemnly giving me a different energy that suddenly comes in my whole perspiring body, my heart beats as the wind blows its message, and as it goes by, there is my soul that whispers suddenly with a burning spirit that has a message to act and find solution to our DEAREST MOTHER NATURE in all of the things that we can.\

               IT IS THE TIME TO WAKE UP!!!

                This whole week I unplug all of our appliances that are not in use and if no one needs it.
I also read some books that can enlightened my imagination and my mind in the morning and in the afternoon instead at night.
I turn off my computer and unplug it after using. I also minimize the use of it in order to save and conserve electricity.

I've also walked from our house to the nearest store to buy some food and a soup to have a hot feeling this cloudy and cold week.

                I hope that every week will be this kind of week with the role of responsibility and being a human that is aware on what is happening to our Mother Nature.


"Dear Diary"

                  LCD Journal is a journal that is assigned to us to write  what our hearts want to say, what our mind can predict and what our ways we've done in the appropriate week . This also helps us to be a good steward of Nature and to be an Eco-friendly youth.
A simple notebook with full of extraordinary experiences of a simple student experiencing to help in our nature with simple ways.


                      It's a good day to start a conversation with you, it's been a week since I wrote to you and I am so happy today that I've helped our Mother Nature . It was a cloudy week, a week that is also full of homeworks and lessons that must be done but even if this is the condition my role as a steward of nature will never stop.

I threw my wastes in the trash can.
I turn off the lights that are not in use.
I also done my assignments in the afternoon in order to not consume electricity at night.
I've read some books in the morning or afternoon instead in the evening.

I also unplug my charger after my cellphone's battery is full.

That's all Mother Nature! Hope I've helped again! See you again as I wrote to you my extraordinary experiences.

A Best Week

                     This week is more than perfect...... I can say that if you will look at me, happiness range at my face, my heart feels like heaven and I can say that it is the best week EVER!

                  And all of it is because I felt that this is another week of so much perseverance of actions and solutions that I can make with my bare hands and open mind  with a soul that whispers at me in every step I make, in every choices I will select, and in every move that can make a difference.

                  I, this week clean our environment to have a clean fresh air to breathe and a healthy environment.

I clean my room in the best way I can.
I walk together with my classmates instead of using vehicles. 

    I also use the electricity wisely.
I also minimize the use of my plastic and use paper bags if necessary.

I also practice the 3R's and I am planning to apply it in my daily living.
I will always spread the words that I've done in order for others to apply it in their daily lives.

               That's all! Remember that every week will gonna be a best week in every one of us if we, as a steward of Nature all play our own roles , our own responsibilities, and our own perfect ways to help and not to destroy because OUR NATURE IS NOW CRYING FOR HELP!

              SPREAD THE WORD.....

Friday, August 5, 2011

Never Say We Can't

             It's been a cloudy week , a week that is also full of homeworks and lessons that must be done in time, but even if this is the condition we will Never Say We Can't. As a youth I must not be tired of these.
             This week will be another week of being a steward of Nature even if this is the condition, our role will never stop.

              This week, we turned off the lights that are not in use. We finished doing our assignments in the afternoon to conserve electricity. We watered the plants. We charged our cellphones and unplug it when the battery is full . We also finished some assignments that can be find in books than to search on the internet. and whenever we are told to go to a store we will just walk. We minimize the usage of plastic bags if necessary.

              WE CAN all do it! That's all Mother Nature,hope we've helped again!