Friday, August 5, 2011

Dear Mother Nature

                    Today is a day that I can feel the breeze of air that hugs my body, it is a good time to have a sleep and take a rest but this is not what I really want, my spirit is whispering in my heart that as a youth, I must be helping, cooperating and participating in every step that can help our "Dearest Mother Nature".
We students or so-called "youth",must take an action because God created us to protect Mother Nature,this is our role, whether we like it or not. So that, I perform some ways of mine that you can also apply to your daily lives!
First, I threw my wastes in the trash can. I also unplugged appliances that are not in use. I turned of lights that are not in need in order to save money, conserve electricity and at the same time helping nature. I've done my homeworks in the afternoon so that I will not consume more electricity.

Cooperation among everyone must take place and be as a team in order to have a greater and faster way of nature's way of healing its wounds.

Throw cans or bottles in the trashcans.

By simply saving energy, we can help Mother Nature and at the same time we can conserve and save money that can be use for other purposes.
This is the time to find solution, Not tomorrow but NOW!!!

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