Friday, August 5, 2011

A Pledge That Can Make A Change

                    As Lillian Dickson says, "Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once". Life is like a big challenge of everyone one of us that is fighting, breathing, and experiencing this journey that we are now going through. But as the time goes by, how do this life can stay long if our nature is now crying for a help? Do we need to change?act? or just wait for a revenge of the nature to us? 

                    Maybe people must now "wake up", and take a deep breath and realize what will be the results of our irresponsible doings, we think that it is just a small thing but remember that small things can be big things when combined together. A small piece of candy wrapper that is thrown somewhere else can be a mountain of trash candy wrapper when consecutively thrown anywhere else.

                   And this is now the situation, so that our Science Teacher Mrs. Rubio told us to make a pledge.

                    This pledge must not be only written in a piece of paper but must take it in action. A pledge that can make everyone one of us in the room a "STEWARD OF NATURE". We wrote simple ways but powerful actions and solution that can surely contribute big. We all wrote a pledge.

                    I, ____________, solemnly pledge that as a steward of nature I must perform ways that can make our nature smile again. I will promise that I will practice proper waste disposal. I will practice the 4R's (reduce, reuse, recycle and repair.

                      Others wrote pledge that has a heart-warming message, others has a sincere message and others wrote  what came in their heart with efforts. We wrote this pledge not for the grades that will be given to us but this pledge is all for MOTHER NATURE. 

                      We sincerely raised our right hands and stood straight when we said our pledge that surely came from our heart.  And I hope that this pledge will be fulfilled for a better future and for a better life of us and for the next generation.

Our duty is to be useful, not according to our desires but according to our powers.
                                                        - Henri-Frederic Amiel



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